Saturday, March 24, 2007

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Ringtone for sale

Mobile Action Handset Manager for Verizon LG VX4650 VX4700 VX5200 VX6100 VX8000 VX8100 and VX9800 Phones - FREE 500 Ringtones and Pictures.

LG VX4650, VX4700, VX6100 and VX8000 support following features. Contacts - Contacts allows you to back up contact entries so that you don't have to worry about losing, breaking, switching phone or changing service providers. Import contact entries from and export contact entries to Outlook, Outlook Express, and Palm Pilot in just a few clicks. Organize your contact entries and keep yourself on track all the time.

Sound - Audio Composer allows you to compose, mix, edit or even record audio to bring out the best result you want. Compose your own sound to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Listen to your sound before you update it to the handset. Tune your sound until you are satisfied with it. With MIDI Composer, you can choose up to 128 musical imstruments and insert notes on the chart. Composing ring tones can be as easy as a few clicks.

MP3 Clipper -
MP3 Clipper is a fast and easy MP3 files clipping tool for your ring tones. Listen and select your favorite clips. Merge several MP3 clips to a single MP3 file (LG VX8000 ONLY).

File Manager - File Manager allows you to organize Handset files with just a few clicks and files on the Handset can be at where you want them to be. With File Manager, you can easily transfer files from the Computer to Handset free of charge.

Operating Support: XP / 2000 / ME / 98se

Customer Review: Works well, need to be intermediate software user

I ordered this product to quickly download my contacts (from MS Outlook) onto a new LG VX6100 phone. I was able to take a .csv file from Outlook Contacts and edit it in excel (just save file as .csv) for uploading 150 numbers & 85 names onto my phone - in about 15 minutes of work. Software installed easily, and has many extra features like creating ringtones from mp3 files, wallpaper backgrounds, etc. I also have been able to backup the cell's contacts and other cellphones contacts effortlessly - in case they are lost, damaged, or for transfer to next phone. It's also a much quicker way to edit/add existing cellphone contacts. I would just say that the software is fairly simple (this isn't a iPod experience), and you need to be fairly good with your computer skills to make it all work.

Customer Review: Just what I needed

I just got a new LG VX 8100 phone, and was very disappointed that Verizon didn't sell a data cable to go with it. When I am away from home, I occassionally am in a situation where I need internet access, and the only way I can get it is to use my cell phone as a modem. Therefore, I was very pleased to find out about this product. Although it does not mention the LG VX 8100 on the product container, the cable works well with that phone, and the company offers the software version needed for the VX 8100 on it's Web site.

I have not tried all of the features, as yet, but this cable and the downloaded software do allow me to use my phone as a modem. I also love being able to edit my contact list on my computer and then upload it quickly and easily to my phone. It's much better than trying to do it on the phone itself.
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